Raging bull the making of
Raging bull the making of

And it’s a beaut, delving deep into not only well-told but still fascinating production stories like Robert De Niro’s weight gain and the casting of Joe Pesci and Cathy Moriarity, but technical details like the framing and cutting of the fight sequences and the methodology of the slow-motion. Somewhat legendary as one of the most informative of all such tracks, it was long available only on the Collection’s 1990 laserdisc (which is to say, not really available at all). Secondly, it includes Criterion’s 1990 audio commentary by Scorsese and editor Thelma Schoonmaker. First off, the restoration is a (pardon the pun) knockout, beautifully rendering the film’s crisp black and white images with you-are-there intimacy.

raging bull the making of

“ Raging Bull ”: Martin Scorsese’s masterful 1980 examination of toxic masculinity has seen no shortage of Blu-ray releases, but The Criterion Collection’s new 4K upgrade offers two significant arguments for double-dipping. One of the year’s true indie success stories arrives on disc this week, alongside a slew of new Criterion titles, a Tom Cruise vehicle that’s worth another look, an all-time classic of kung fu cinema, and much more. This twice-monthly column sifts through all of those choices to pluck out the movies most worth your time, no matter how you’re watching.

raging bull the making of

Every Tuesday, discriminating viewers are confronted with a flurry of choices: new releases on disc and on-demand, vintage and original movies on any number of streaming platforms, catalog titles making a splash on Blu-ray or 4K.

Raging bull the making of